Terms and Conditions
1. In order to ascertain and retain certification of Halal accreditation from Ayesha Halal Certification Limited, parties, including organisations and individuals associated with the organisation seeking Halal accreditation must adhere to the following terms andconditions of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited.
2. All information deemed necessary by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited in order to complete Halal accreditation audit, must be made available to Ayesha Halal Certification Limited upon demand of the inspectors carrying out the audit.
3. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited undertake to run the Halal accreditation scheme in a transparent and fair manner without prejudice and discrimination of any organisation or person seeking accreditation. Furthermore, the organisation and or individual seeking accreditation will not be prejudiced by any membership to any organisation or association that the organisation or individual may be a member of.
4. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited has the sole discretion to accept or decline an application or renewal for Halal accreditation pursuant to the set guidelines that auditors of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited operate by. The decision of Ayesha Halal
Certification Limited to grant or reject an application or renewal for Halal accreditation is final and binding and cannot be challenged in any Court in New Zealand or other jurisdiction, subject to Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s own appeal process.
5. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited shall be responsible for the processes and activities relating to Halal accreditation. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited shall inform the organisation or individual seeking Halal accreditation of the initial audit/evaluation results and shall guide organisations and individuals seeking Halal accreditation in areas of non-compliance.
6. When an organisation or individual seeking Halal accreditation is deemed to be non-compliant, and upon guidance from Ayesha Halal Certification Limited, can show that remedial action has been in satisfaction of the auditors requirements per the guidelines set by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited, then Ayesha Halal Certification Limited will review the remedial action and determine the suitability of awarding Halal accreditation.
7. All organisations and individuals who have received accreditation from Ayesha Halal Certification Limited are entitled to provide feedback and suggestions with respect to these Terms and Conditions. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notification to any party, subject to any amendment that may affect the responsibilities and or liabilities of the organisation or individual seeking halal accreditation.
8. The organisation or individual seeking Halal accreditation shall permit accreditation representatives and auditors all reasonable access for the purpose of carrying out the initial audit/evaluation or random surveillance.
9. Initial audits and evaluations shall be conducted against all nationally and internationally approved standards and schemes including strict adherence to the Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s own guidelines for Halal accreditation as determined by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s Management.
10. When an initial audit/evaluation has been completed and systems have been deemed to be satisfactory to the requirements as set by the requirements by the decision-making committee of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited, the auditor or accreditation
representative shall inform the organisation or individual seeking Halal accreditation forthwith and without delay.
11. Surveillance frequency will be stipulated as either once or twice a year, however, additional visits may be conducted at the discretion of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited.
12. Halal accreditation will be valid for one calendar year subject to surveillance audits. The Halal accreditation or reaccreditation will be valid for one calendar year as per the criteria set by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited.
13. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited reserves the right to conduct audits and surveillance audits at short notice and or without notice to investigate complaint, or in response to change of ownership of an organisation, or as a follow up to suspended organisations and individuals or non-compliant organisations and individuals.
14. The Halal accreditation certificate issued by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited shall at all material times remain the property of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited and shall bereturned or destroyed upon demand of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited.
15. All organisations and individuals with a valid Halal accreditation certificate from Ayesha Halal Certification Limited shall at all times maintain a register of all customer complaints they receive with respect to any product/service for which Ayesha Halal Certification Limited has issued a Halal accreditation certificate. Upon receiving a complaint from a customer, the organisation or individual concerned must within 24 hours report said complaint to Ayesha Halal Certification Limited so that an auditor may attend the organisation or individual’s premises to conduct an audit.
16. Any organisation or individual who has obtained Halal accreditation from Ayesha Halal Certification Limited, but wishes to extend the scope of its certification to cover additional products and or services, shall apply to Ayesha Halal Certification Limited in writing.
17. An organisation or individual who has received Halal accreditation from Ayesha Halal Certification Limited has the right to publish the certificate issued by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited. The organisation or individual undertakes to ensure that its
publication of its certificate issued by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited does not cause confusion or cause members of the public to be deceived or misled.
18. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited reserves the right to publish all non confidential
information relating to an organisation or individual in the public domain for the benefit of
the Muslim public.
19. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited undertakes to ensure that all individuals acting under its authority for the purposes of Halal accreditation maintains the highest levels of confidentiality with respect to information that they come across as a result of audits and surveillance audits.
20. Information that comes to the knowledge of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited shall not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the organisation or individual concerned.
Suspension/Termination of Certification
21. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited reserves the right to suspend, withdraw and or reduce the scope of the Halal accreditation at any time at Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s sole discretion:
21.1. If there are any breaches of the conditions or guidelines found in the halal certified product or service;
21.2. There is a change of ownership;
21.3. The fee payable or any part thereof remains unpaid; or
21.4. At the expiry of the Halal accreditation certificate.
22. For the purpose of this section suspension shall mean – invalidation of a certificate for a
limited period of time; whereas termination shall mean – permanent invalidation of a
23. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited may initiate suspension in cases where:
23.1. The organisation or individual has a critical deviation from the applicable standard as
per the guidelines set by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited resulting in product or
service non-compliance for which an audit or surveillance audit becomes mandatory;
23.2. The Halal standards of the organisation or individual has persistently and seriously failed to meet the Halal accreditation criteria as set by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited;
23.3. The Halal systems of the organisation or individual does not reflect the current organisation or individual and processes as a result of changes, acquisitions or diversifications;
23.4. In cases of any breach or violation of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s Halal accreditation certificate as determined by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited;
23.5. Violations relating to non-payment and or incorrect use of the Halal accreditation certificate;
23.6. A request made by a certified organisation or individual requesting suspension or termination of Halal accreditation;
23.7. Failure to respond adequately to auditors to identify breaches and non-compliance;
23.8. Evidence received from members of the public or authorities that could affect the Halal status of certified products or services.
24. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited reserves the right to terminate the Halal accreditation certificate at their discretion based on a review and consideration of evidences.
25. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited may prior to making any decision to suspend or terminate its Halal accreditation certificate invite the organisation or individual concerned to provide a response to any and all allegation or concerns of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited.
26. For the avoidance of doubt, the decision to suspend or terminate Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s Halal accreditation certificate shall be at the sole discretion of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited and cannot be challenged in any Court in New
Zealand or any other jurisdiction, subject only to Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s appeal process.
Appeals Procedure
27. The organisation or individual concerned has the right to appeal against any notification given regarding the suspension, reduction in scope or termination of the Halal accreditation issued by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited.
28. Notification of any organisation or individuals intention to appeal must be made in writing and must be received by the Director of Ayesha Halal Certification Limited within seven days of receipt of notification of failure to comply with the Halal accreditation requirements as set by Ayesha Halal Certification Limited.
29. For the avoidance of doubt, during the appeal process, the organisation or individual’s halal certification status shall be suspended and made public through Ayesha Halal Certification Limited’s internal procedures.
30. All Appeals made to the Director shall be considered by a board of Sunni Islamic Scholars as appointed by the Director. The collective decision of the scholars shall be binding and not subject to further appeals or challenges in any Court or other forum.
31. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited undertakes to ensure that all individuals acting under the authority of its Halal accreditation scheme shall remain impartial and unbiased.
32. Ayesha Halal Certification Limited undertakes that in all its dealings with organisations or individuals either certified or in the process of being certified will remain impartial and not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise its impartiality.